
Hi, I’m Sarah!

I’m excited to get to know you! Here’s a little bit about me.

Rebbetzin Sarah Werbin has been counseling, coaching, and educating women for over a decade. She is a certified Life Coach by the Professional Life Coach Program at Maalot Jerusalem (under Master Coach, Rabbi Geisler, famous marriage therapist and author, Chana Levitan, and Penina Freundlich), Kallah Teacher and Mikvah Educator by Connections: The Jewish Marriage Institute (under the well-known Julie Lurie, who trained under Rebbetzin Yonina Gruner as well as The Gottman Institute and Laura Doyle). The classes and counseling that she offers is based on the Torah’s hashkafa (Jewish approach) and aside from consulting with her husband, Rabbi Yitzchok Werbin (Kesher Torah Atlanta), she also seeks guidance from Rabbi Ilan Feldman (Congregation Beth Jacob of Atlanta), Rabbi Beryl Gershenfeld (Rosh Yeshiva of Machon Shlomo), and Rabbi Yossi Stilerman (Rosh Mesivta of The Center for Kehilla Development), as well as local Jewish marriage therapists.

Sarah has been using her experience and expertise to help women enhance the love and intimacy in their marriages.

Reignite the passion and joy
in your relationship