Helping you in your goal to enhance the
love and intimacy in your marriage.

3 Steps To Getting Back In The Mood

Do you feel a lack of desire for intimacy?

You are not alone in your struggle.

This 3 part video series covers the main roadblocks that causes many women to struggle with lack of desire… AND their solutions!

only $99

for all 3 videos!


What’s included?

Step #1: Understanding the Differences in Intimate Progression:
Male vs. Female

  • Once a husband and wife understand their own and each others progression in intimacy it clears up so much frustration and rejection.

  • Getting you back to the dating you once had with dating tips for emotional bonding.

  • Busting the common myth that men only want one thing or have more desire than women.

Step #2:
The Right State of Body & Mind

  • Many women say they don’t have time for self care. Actually, what you don’t have time for are the consequences of not taking care of yourself!

  • How confident do you feel in your body and attractiveness? Do you believe your husband when he says how beautiful you are? Learn to embrace your body the way you are!

  • Most women have some type of blockage at some point in their marriage. Whether it is physical, emotional or hashkafic. Discover which one is holding you back to make the powerful changes to get you in the right state of mind.

Step #3: Prioritizing Intimacy &
Communicating Needs

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how high would you rate your prioritization of intimacy?
    Would you like a higher score?

  • How to set the stage to ensure a deep connection through intimacy.

  • Communicating your needs and getting them met!

Bonus Class! Why Am I Never “In The Mood”?
Emotional vs. Physical Desire
Intimacy Summit Interview with Chany Felberbaum

  • Common roadblocks that lead to lack of libido

  • Pressure cancels out pleasure, learn how to cut out pressure to increase pleasure

  • Learn to get in touch with your real Ratzon- desire

What's The Purpose of Intimacy?
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Intro to Intimacy: Judaism’s Perspective video
plus monthly int
imacy tips and news (like free webinars)!

Working with Sarah

  • 1:1 Coaching

  • Group Classes

  • Kallah Classes

What People Are Saying

I started my healing with Rebbetzin Werbin during one of the hardest times in my life. A time that was very challenging and confusing, and I thought I was losing my mind. I couldn’t see, everything was cloudy. I was ready to give up on my relationship.

It didn’t take very long for Rebbetzin Werbin to help me see again, guide me to the path of truth, and teach me how to organize my thoughts, my feelings, and my life.

I can now say that I am happily married and no longer feel like I’m living with a room mate.

She’s that good at what she does. Her help was a lifesaver. I will forever be grateful. I can’t recommend enough her wisdom, her emotional intelligence, and her endless love and compassion to people who seek her support.

— Anonymous Coaching Client